Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Decolonization video

African Nationalism Video

Ghana - 7years to prepare, peaceful transition, became a model for other African nations

Nkruma goes from prison to president, believes in Pan-Africanism, Britain realizes that colonies can make transition to self-rule


Settler colony, whites resist change, Mau Mau uprising 400,000 African deaths, 50 British deaths, concentrations camps created for “Mau Mau” and their supporters,

Kenyatta- freed from jail to become president

Algeria -

Settler colony, violent war for independence between guerrilla army 7000 French troops, lasted nearly 10 years, 1 million dead, nearly causes civil war in France, Arabs lose many young leaders

Congo – given 6 months to prepare for self-rule, only 3 government leaders had college education, riots break out

Lumumba: first elected president, had socialist policies, overthrown by military that was backed by the west, killed

Mbuto Sese Seko: preferred by the U.S., becomes brutal dictator, changes name of nation to Zaire

Tanzania - peaceful transfer of power,

Nyrere: supported pan-Africanism and played important role in formation of AOU (Organization of African Unity)

Nigeria- ten years to prepare for peaceful transition

Guinea Bissau – small Portuguese holding, violent revolt against brutal Portuguese army, west refuses to help Africans because Portugal is a NATO ally so Cabral gets help from USSR

Cabral: well educated, able commander, assassinated

Mozambique – part of the region is settler colony, Portugal fights to keep colony

Machel: leader of guerrilla fighters, clever leader, despite ruthless air-strikes Frelimo rebels won. Many civilian deaths- whole villages destroyed, 1975 Portuguese leave

Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) –

Smith (UDI): Unilateral Declaration of Independence,

Mugabe: led resistance to white power, armed struggle, economic sanctions, 1980 won independence.

South Africa – Apartheid system denied writes to blacks and coloreds.

Mandela-leader of ANC, imprisoned for 27 years, non-violence does nt work, massacres by police leads to violent action, after Soweto students shot, sanctions and condemnation by the rest of the world forced the end of Apartheid, Manndela freed in 1990 becomes president in 1994.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Essay review

If you want the essay review powerpoint, email me at and I will send it to you.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

What's Due?

Monday April 15 - Revolution chart (from packet)

Tuesday April 16 - Totalitarian packet

Thursday April 18 - Mental Map

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Extra Credit April 16

April 16 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Science Conference Center
Practice AP Test (multiple choice only)

Monday, April 1, 2013

SAT II World History Subject Test

Register NOW (until May 17) to take the World History SAT II Subject Test on Saturday June 1st at Bellaire High. 

The cost is $23, and if you take a second test the same day the second test is only $12.

You might as well do this, college admissions officers love it! AND, you will already be prepared by having taken the AP test on May 17th.  It's a Win-Win Situation!

The SAT II is considered easier than the AP. (no writing)

Review for Imperialism, Gender & World War I Test

April 9, 2013

Middle East

Balfour Declaration

Husain Letter

Mandate system


Dr. Henry Livingstone

Cecil Rhodes




direct rule colonies

buffer states

settler colonies


Berlin Conference

Fashoda Affair

Boer War

Ram Mohan Roy

Rudyard Kipling

Belgian Congo

chibaro labor system

Neocolonialism in Latin America

imperialism in the Pacific islands

social and economic impact of imperialism

Sepoy Rebellion

Social Darwinism

World War I

causes of WWI

effects of WWI


Treaty of Versailles


competition between England and Germany

Battle of Gallipoli

United States decision to enter World War I

impact of World War I on Russia

Twenty-One Demands

Military innovations in WWI

War poetry in WWI

decline of the Ottoman Empire


women’s education and nationalism

effect of imperialism on women

comparative earning power of women

economic roles of women

Reading List

Week 11 Imperialism (Building Global Empires) Chapter 33 (Chapter 34 - 2nd edition)

5 Minute Write=How did Imperialism increase world integration?

Week 12 World War I Chapter 34 (Chapter 35 - 2nd edition)

5 Minute Write= How was WW I and the peace that followed different from previous wars?

Week 13 Probing Cultural Frontiers 912-918
Lenin to Stalin, Germany, China, India 924-938 (Chapter 36 same section titles - 2nd edition)

5 Minute Write= Why did Russia not suffer from the depression as much as the rest of the world?

Week 14 World War II Chapter 36 (Chapter 37- 2nd edition)

5 Minute Write= Why can WW II be considered the first truly global war?

Week 15 Bipolar World Chapter 37 (Chapter 38- 2nd edition)

5 Minute Write= How were Soviet and US approaches to the Cold War DIFFERRENT?

Week 16 Contemporary World Chapter 38 (Chapter 39- 2nd edition)

5 Minute Write= How did the global balance of power shift after the independence of most of the colonized areas?

Week 17 World without Borders Chapter 39 (Chapter 40- 2nd edition)

5 Minute Write= Why is globalism often blamed on the US?

Gender Roles

Questions: Women and Industrialization


1. As industrialization spread to other areas of the world in the 19th and 20th centuries, how did the treatment of workers compare to what you have learned about the treatment of workers at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century?

2. How did the process of commercialization and then industrialization affect women workers in particular?

3. How did education or the lack of education for women tie into the push for nationalism or independence movements?

4. How did the process of colonization affect women economically? Politically?

5. What were the similar outcomes or results for women, if any, from the global processes of industrialization and colonialism?

6. What accounted for the differences in the experiences of women in these various societies?

7. Using the chart and world map of gender issues from the previous units, what were the changes in women’s economic role? The continuities?

8. What additional types of sources would have helped in understanding women’s economic role in this time period?

9. What might we predict about women’s economic role for the beginning of the 20th century?